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Issue Title
Spring 2009, Volume 14, Number P09 Effect of Population Pressure on Forest Land Use Change in Alabama: A Nested Logit Approach Abstract
Indrajit Majumdar, Maksym Polyakov, Lawrence D. Teeter, Brett J. Butler
Fall 2008, Volume 12, Number F08 Effects of a Small-Scale Trout Farming Operation on Water Quality and Entomofauna of a Desert Stream in Southern California Abstract
R. Trudith Pachon, William E. Walton
2018, Volume: 39, Issue Number: 2 Effects of Awareness Programs to Save Dolphins: A Mathematical Model Abstract
Sapna Devi
2016, Volume: 37, Issue Number: 2 Effects of Cassava/Legumes Inter-cropping before Rice Season and Weeding Methods on Growth and Yields of Rice: Split-Plot Design Approach Abstract
Yisa Yakubu, A. U. Gbanguba, Oluwatobi E. Bankole
2011, Volume 21, Number P11 Effects of the Japanese carbon offset system on optimum rotation periods and forestry profits Abstract
Tohru Nakajima, Mitsuo Matsumoto, Keisuke Sakata, Satoshi Tatsuhara
2012, Volume: 24, Issue Number: 1 Efficiency, Irrigation Waste and Agrochemical Pollution from Soybean Farming in East Java, Indonesia: Ex-Post Impact Assessment of IPM Technology Abstract
Joko Mariyono
2013, Volume: 29, Issue Number: 2 Electricity Generation and Environmental Pollution by Thermal Units in India Abstract
S. Ganesan, D. Bose, G. Ashok Kumar
2016, Volume: 37, Issue Number: 3 Entropy in Nucleus to Tab Data Information and its Illustration with Wolfram Syndrome Cases Abstract
Ramalingam Shanmugam
2017, Volume: 38, Issue Number: 4 Environmental Accounting for Modern Business: Social Responsibility or Economic Competitiveness? (The Case of Thailand) Abstract
Prateep Wajeetongratana
2017, Volume: 38, Issue Number: 3 Environmental Aspects of Migration Flows from the CIS into Russia Abstract
M. Pitukhina, S. Shabayeva, A. Privara
2017, Volume: 38, Issue Number: 2 Environmental Factors of National Competitiveness in Modern MNCs’ Development Abstract
D. Santhana Ushakov, L. Kharchenko
2011, Volume 23, Number F11 Environmental Identity and Intergenerational Equity Abstract
Isabel Almudí, Julio Sánchez Chóliz
2020, Volume: 41, Issue Number: 1 Environmental Intensity in Pakistan: A Projection for Period 2016-2030 Abstract
H. Yousaf, M. Ahmed, K. Khan
2019, Volume: 40, Issue Number: 2 Environmental Kuznets Curve, Pollution Haven Hypothesis and Business Cycles: Evidence from BRICS Countries Abstract
Cleomar Gomes da Silva, Flavio V. Vieira, Carlos C. S. Saiani
2012, Volume: 27, Issue Number: 4 Environmental Kuznets curves for bird abundance in Canada: an examination of alternative regression models using panel data Abstract
Roberto Martínez-Espiñeira, Van Lantz
2020, Volume: 41, Issue Number: 2 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and Economic Development: An Inter-Country Analysis Abstract
Kuldeep Singh
2012, Volume: 27, Issue Number: 4 Environmental Pollution Reduction by Energy Saving in Paddy De-husking Units – A Case Study Abstract
S. Ganesan, V. Dhulasi Birundha, D. Bose
2019, Volume: 40, Issue Number: 1 Environmental Quality and Happiness on a World-Wide Scale Abstract
D. Dedeoglu, D. Karaoglan, C. Yurtseven
2014, Volume: 33, Issue Number: 2 Environmental Valuation of Local and External Economic Benefits of Urban Tree Cover: A Case Study in Brazil Abstract
2015, Volume: 36, Issue Number: 2 Establishment and Application of Thin Coal Seam Mining Method Prediction Model Based on Improved Neural Network Abstract
Wenyu Lv, Zhihui Zhang
Fall 2010, Volume 19, Number F10 Estimating Gompertz Growth Curves from Marine Mammal Strandings in the Presence of Missing Data Abstract
M. E. Shotwell, W. McFee, E. H. Slate
2016, Volume: 37, Issue Number: 1 Estimating the Major Contributors to Environmental Impacts in Australia Abstract
G. A. Uddin, K. Alam, J. Gow
2020, Volume: 41, Issue Number: 1 Estimating the Visitors Willingness to Pay for An Entrance Fee of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, The Nilgiris: A Contingent Valuation Approach Abstract
V. Rajkumar, S. Boopathi
2019, Volume: 40, Issue Number: 1 Estimation of Factors Affecting Gross Regional Domestic Product Using Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (Case Study: Gross Regional Domestic Product in Central Java 2011-2015) Abstract
A. Djuraidah, U.D. Syafitri, L. M. W. Handayani
Summer 2007, Volume 8, Number S07 Estimation of Gross Domestic Product at Sub-National Scales using Nighttime Satellite Imagery Abstract
Paul C. Sutton, Christopher D. Elvidge, Tilottama Ghosh
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