Environmental Aspects of Migration Flows from the CIS into Russia
The article deals with contemporary development policy analysis claiming that aid development policy and migration policy are highly inter-related nowadays. Authors emphasize the fact that development policy can be both direct and indirect. Direct aid is allocated via such institutions as Rossotrudnichestvo in Russia, USAID in the USA, CIDA in Canada, SDC in Switzerland etc. Indirect aid is presented mainly with migrants’ remittances. By the example of the CIS it is clearly shown that Russian indirect aid is 30 times higher for Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and 10 times higher for Armenia than the direct one. Main features of Russian aid development policy are also outlined. They are mainly conditioned on by Russian interior policy and considered to be highly important in terms of strengthening Russian authority in international relations. As a result, authors suggest to increase aid (financial assistance) to migrants-donor states in order to develop more optimal and balanced migration policy in migrants-recipient countries.
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