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An Optimized Speckle Noise Reduction Filter For Ultrasound Images using Anisotropic Diffusion Technique

Md. Motiur Rahman, Abdul Aziz, Mithun Kumar PK, Mohammad Abu Naim Uddin Rajiv, Mohammad Shorif Uddin


Noise is possibly the most annoying problem in the field of image processing. In medical image or ultrasound image processing the speckle noise is arises with a major difficulty. Eliminating such noise is an important preprocessing task. For acquiring a better performance, an optimized anisotropic diffusion techniques for ultrasound images are presented in this paper. It’s a new method for denoising the image without blurring the frontiers between different regions. This method is based on the differentiation of the diffusion in the direction of the gradient. For quantifying the performance we calculate the ratio of mean grey level, the signal to noise ratio, the peak signal to noise ratio, the root mean square error, image fidelity and the structural content. This method gives a better result with comparison to existing Perona–Malik anisotropic diffusion method.


Anisotropic diffusion, ultrasound image, speckle noise, gradient, performance criteria.

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