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Chaos based Crypto-Compression using SPIHT coding
S. Hraoui, F. Gmira, A. Saaidi, A.O. Jarrar, K. Satori
Nowadays, it is estimated that the bandwidth majority of internet is used to transfer images and videos. In this perspective, we propose a mix of a compression technique called SPIHT (Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees) and chaotic encryption in order to elaborate a crypto-compression scheme based on encrypting quantization by a modified logistic map. The Modified logistic map is used for generating random number sequence which is used in the proposed cryptosystem for its better chaotic properties. The random number sequence encrypts the bit-stream generated from SPIHT. The experimental results show that our system has good security properties and does not affect the effectiveness of the compression system and it considerably improves the image compression ratio while ensuring a good security performance.
image encryption; compression, bit-stream, wavelet, SPIHT, chaos, modified logistic map.
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