Skin Lesion Classification from Dermoscopy Image using Structural Features and Random Forest
In this paper, an automatic algorithm for dermoscopy image classification in malignant and benign classes is presented. In this algorithm, a preprocessing step is applied to remove noises and artificial effects and also enhance image quality. Then, Otsu thresholding method is used to separate the lesion from the healthy areas. After that, some conventional shape and color features are extracted from the segmented image. Moreover, to strength our features, we define seven innovative structural features based on structure and border of the segmented lesion. These features try to capture valuable information from non-uniformity of lesion for detecting the malignant lesion. The results show that when these features are added to conventional shape and color features, the performance of classification is improved. Finally, the classification procedure is performed by different classifiers and different combinations of features. The results show that Random Forest (RF) classifier obtains the best performance with accuracy rate of 93.5%, sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 92.1%.
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