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A Proposed Novel Approach of Voice Controlled Prosthetic Arm for Differently Abled
G. Gopu, R. Neelaveni
Speech recognition has been actively studied since the 1950s however recent developments in computer and telecommunication technology have improved speech recognition capabilities. Prosthetic hands are artificial devices that are utilized to approximate the appearance and function of a natural hand. At present Electromyogram (EMG) controlled prosthetic hand is used. As per the Electromyogram (EMG) controlled prosthetic hand electrical signals are produced due to the stress made by the differently abled persons. In this proposed idea, stress for the differently abled persons is reduced, in which the prosthetic hand is controlled by speech signal. In this paper include designing of a novel multi fingers prosthetic hand with the ability of picking up and releasing objects. The prosthetic hand employs four DC motors to transfer motion according to the input given. The second part of the study involves the use of speech recognition to control the prosthetic hand.
Prosthetic arm, Speech recognition, Robotics, Electromyogram, Stepper motor
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