Feasibility Study of Magnetic Field Induction Tomography for Metal Powder Identification in the Soil
The magnetic field induction method is one of the non-destructive nondestructive test methods. In this study, a magnetic field induction method was tested for tomography to identify the distribution of metal powders in the soil. Measurements are made using two types of coils which act as transmitters and receivers respectively. Copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) metal powders, which are evenly distributed in the soil, are used as objects of identification with varying masses of mass. The response value of the measured potential in the receiver coil is analyzed by looking at the difference between each addition of powder mass variation. Based on measurements that have been made, copper sensitive powder at a mass addition of 30 grams with a changing range of 80-100 mV, manganese powder sensitive at 50 grams of mass addition of 200 mV and iron powder that has been sensitive at the beginning of the addition of 10 grams of mass. From the overall tests carried out, the type of iron powder (Fe) has a measurement sensitivity range and the biggest voltage value changes to the addition of powder mass variations. From these results, the obtained coil parameters can be used and arranged in a multi coil to identify the distribution of metal powders in the soil using the tomography method.
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