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Automatic Exposure Control in Chest Radiography

Sung-Sik Choi, Chung-Hwan Lim, Sung-Hun Jeungn


Recent advances in medical imaging technologies have led to the increased use of automatic exposure control (AEC) in digital X-ray equipment. This study is an attempt to measure the dose of exposure based on AEC use and to evaluate the image quality in chest radiography where AEC is used most frequently. We measured the dose of radiation using three (3) units of digital radiation generators for diagnosis in conditions that are frequently used in chest radiography (110kVp, 115kVp, 120kVp, 125kVp). We placed the dosimeter in front of a chest phantom while varying the distance of FID to 110 cm, 140 cm, and 180 cm depending on whether or not AEC was used. The CNR and SNR of the images obtained by setting the lung to signal, 5 regions of Interest (ROIs), and 5 places of media sternum to noise, were measured using the Image J Program. To determine the dose difference based on AEC use, we conducted a t-test, which revealed a significant difference. When AEC was used at FID 110 cm, a high dose of 11.98% appeared. When AEC was used at FID 140cm, a high dose of 8.64% appeared. When AEC was used at FID 180 cm, a high dose of 6.74% appeared. In the t-test for the difference in CNR and SNR based on AEC use, no significant difference was detected. As the distance of FID increased, high values of CNR and SNR were measured. The results of this study show that there is no difference between CNR and SNR regardless of the use of AEC, and the dose was high when using AEC. Therefore, chest X - ray examination should not be based on AEC only. Under appropriate radiological settings, it is possible to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure to the patient.


Automatic exposure control, Chest radiography, Exposure doses, CNR, SNR

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