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Statistical analysis of raw in-vivo breast ultrasound echo

Suchismita Maiti, Debashis Nandi, Baisakhi Chakraborty


The role of speckle statistics is significant for designing speckle reduction filters. Several statistical models which include both normal and non-normal statistics have already been proposed to describe both raw ultrasound echo and its envelope in several literatures. This paper presents and analyzes the non-normal statistics of in-vivo raw ultrasound echo of human breast with benign and malignant lesion by using normal scale mixture model. It has been observed that Student’s t distribution is closer than other non-normal statistics to describe the statistics of data. The underlying reasons behind the choice of such model have been clarified by analyzing different phenomena like scattering, absorption and attenuation
at the time of ultra-sound wave propagation through biological path. The equation of the probability density function (pdf) of the envelope of Student`s t distributed raw ultrasound data has also been derived.


speckle, raw ultrasound echo statistics, ultrasound envelope statistics, non Rayleigh statistics, echogenicity, normal scale mixture model, Student’s t distribution

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