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An Optimal Model of Conformity Constraints of Inheritance for an Object Oriented Specification

Khadija Louzaoui, Khalid Benlhachmi


The objective of this paper is to introduce a new constraint model for testing the conformity of overriding methods during inheritance operation for an object oriented (OO) system. This model is based on formal specification techniques and can be used to generate test data in derived classes. The key idea of this conformity approach is to use an optimal constraint and a partitioning technique based on a mathematical analysis to automate the conformity testing of overriding methods. Indeed, this technique is used for reducing the number of test cases that need to be developed by covering all classes of errors for the module under test. In this sense, the proposed constraint model is used in the partitioning process to deduce the set of domains representing all possible testing values satisfying or not the conformity constraint.
The approach of this work shows that input data used in the testing process of overriding methods should not selected randomly. In the same way, we also show that input-output constraints of a program need to be compatible for reducing the number of generated test sequences.


Specification, Conformity Testing, Robustness Testing, Valid Data, Invalid Data, Test Data Generation, Inheritance, Constraint Resolution.

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