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The Method and Algorithmic Support of the Determining the Presence of Information Message in a Priori an Uncertain Sound Signal
Vasiliy E. Gai
The problem of voice activity detection (VAD) is one of the main in the system of signal’s processing. In this work VAD is considered in terms of finding a priori indefinite useful signal in the observed signal. Suggested solution is based on the theory of active perception. Using this theory allows to significantly (with probability 1) identify the system elements and the structure of the signal and structure of connections between them with a given E-fidelity by Kolmogorov. Assumed solution is without lacks detectors signals using in the basis a correlation receiver. In the work also performed analysis of existing algorithms of voice activity detection. Common lack of these algorithms is using rather complicated algorithms estimate the parameters of the noise and signal, and using Fourier and wavelet transforms to calculating the spectra. In the offered algorithm in the construction of the signal spectrum are used only addition and substraction operations, wherewith achieving a high processing speed. These results of speech signals segmentation demonstrate the
effectiveness of offered algorithm.
digital signal processing, theory of active perception, voice activity detection.
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