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A Novel Efficient Low Impact V2H Vehicle-to-House Battery Charging Scheme

E. Elbakush, A. M. Sharaf


This paper presents a Novel V2H Battery Charging Scheme using FACTS based low impact battery charging scheme, to improve the power quality, reduce total harmonic distortion, decrease AC and DC inrush currents, and provide device voltage stabilization. The FACTS is fully stabilized using a hybrid Green Power Filter Compensator (GPFC), that ensures a fully stabilized Common-DC Bus voltage with reduced inrush current conditions. In the same time, The novel FACTS device is a AC-DC coupling neutral point filter compensation (NP-SFC) which is connected between AC and DC sides of the converter and increases the level of power. Green pure Filter Compensation and neutral point filter compensation (NP-SFC) Scheme for V2H Battery Charging Stations with a novel multi regulators multi loop error driven control strategy to ensure fast charging, minimal impact on host electric grid and efficient utilization of grid-connected battery charging scheme with effective AC-DC decoupling and stabilization of the DC Common Bus Voltage. The self regulating battery charging multi-regulator control scheme has been fully validated using. The Battery Charging FACTS Based V2H Station is controlled by a Multi-loop error driven regulators to ensure near unity power factor operation, reduced harmonic distortion and decoupled AC-DC Grid
Operation. The battery charger has a hybrid Voltage-Current Regulation. The proposed basic and NP-SFC FILTER compensated V2H-Battery Charging schemes are effective in ensuring minimal decoupled AC-DC operation and Efficient low impact on the Electric Grid.


Electric Vehicle; FACTS Inter-Coupled NP-SFC; GPFC; WM-VSC Controller; Battery Charger.

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