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Content Based Image Retrieval using an Integrated Approach

Kalpesh M. Shah, Jitendra M. Shah


This paper describes how texture feature are more effective in CBIR system. Texture features has been extracted using Gabor filter. Gabor filter with six different orientations and four spatial frequencies has been used. Various Gabor filter are applied on a query and 840 database images. Feature vectors are prepared using mean and standard deviation of this response. 6 × 4 total 24 responses were obtained for a single image with the use of Gabor filter. Gabor filter finds texture content level in an image at various orientations and its frequency of occurrence. Feature vectors are compared with the query feature using Euclidian distance measure. Sixteen Images with Least distance are shown as retrieved images. Threshold provision has been provided to obtain more retrieved images. Precision is used to measure accuracy of the system. The entire system was developed using MATLAB.


Gabor filter, Texture feature, Orientation, Euclidian distance, Threshold

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