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Computations for a Breast Ultrasonic Imaging Technique and Finite Element Approach for a Fractional Derivative Modeling the Breast Tissue Acoustic Attenuation

A. Bounaim, W. Chen


Biomathematics use mathematics to quantitatively represent the dynamics of biological or biomedical systems and thereby analyze and predict system behavior. This work addresses an application of bioacoustic modeling and computations to a clinical imaging technique for breast cancer detection. The mathematical model consists in a damped wave equation incorporating a frequency-dependent attenuation, which describes ultrasound propagating in the human breast tissue. 3D numerical simulations are presented to investigate the detectability of breast tumors. An extension to a more general model for the acoustic attenuation is also discussed. For this, 2D numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the issue in the case of the CARI technique.


breast cancer detection, ultrasound propagation, fractional derivative for acoustic attenuation.

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