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Adaptation of Generalizability Theory for Inter-Rater Reliability for Landmark Localization

Ilker Ercan, Gokhan Ocakoglu, Ibrahim Guney, Berna Yazici


Our study on inter-rater reliability for landmark localization is designed to observe the consistency in locating landmarks of the same or different rater replication on two or three dimensional forms. In the study, the input for the calculation of inter-rater reliability for landmark localization is the Euclidean distance of all landmarks located by the raters. We calculated the reliability coefficient for two-facet crossed design (landmark pairs-by-rater-by-subject) based on the Generalizability Theory (GT). In GT, the score reliability for relative (norm-referenced) interpretations is referred to as the generalizability (G-) coefficient.


generalizability theory, inter-rater reliability, landmark localization, landmark reliability, shape analysis

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