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An image encryption scheme using dynamic S-box based on 2D Zaslavsky chaotic map
Various Substitution box (S-box) based image encryption techniques have been proposed in literature and it has been found that dynamic S-box based encryption techniques are more robust to various attacks. In this paper, a new dynamic S-box based encryption scheme has been proposed which uses Zeslavsky chaotic map to generate a S-box. After encrypting a block of 64 image pixels, a new S-box is dynamically generated by changing
the initial conditions of chaotic map. Pixel information of the partially generated cipher image is used for re-initializing initial conditions which means that the proposed encryption scheme is also plain image dependent. The performance of the proposed technique has been evaluated in terms of various statistical and differential attacks. Robustness has also been measured by attacking the encrypted image through different noise and block loss and favorable results have been obtained.
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