Recurrence Relations for Single and Product Moments of Progressive Type-II Right Censored Order Statistics from Left Truncated Logistic Distribution with Application to Inference
In this paper, by assuming the underlying distribution of failure times as left truncated logistic distribution given in Kapoor (2014), we shall establish some recurrence relations for single and product moments of the corresponding progressive Type – II right censored order statistics, which would allow for the recursive computation of these moments for all sample sizes and all censoring schemes . The results obtained in this article generalize the results given by Balakrishnan et al. (2011) and Saran and Pande (2012) for single and product moments of progressive Type – II right censored order statistics from logistic and half logistic distributions, respectively and also the results of Balakrishnan (1985) for the ordinary order statistics from half logistic distribution.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 62E99
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