Mixed Convective MHD Oscillatory Flow of a Visco-Elastic Fluid with Heat Source and Variable Suction through Porous Media
An approximate analysis of a two-dimensional oscillatory MHD visco-elastic flow of an electrically conducting fluid past an infinite vertical plate in presence of heat source and variable suction embedded in porous medium is presented when temperature of the plate as well as free stream velocity varies periodically with time. A uniform magnetic field is assumed to be applied transversely to the direction of the flow. The magnetic Reynolds number is considered so small that the induced magnetic field can be neglected. Analytical expressions for velocity, temperature, shearing stress and the rate of heat transfer at the plate are obtained in non-dimensional forms. The velocity and the shearing stress are illustrated graphically and the rate of heat transfer is presented in tabular form to observe the visco-elastic effects in combination of other flow parameters.
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