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Chaos Synchronization of the New Three-Dimensional Chaotic System with Known and Unknown Parameters

H. Kheiri, M. R. Moghaddam


In this paper, the problem of chaos synchronization of the new chaotic system which is proposed by Dadras and Momeni (2009) is considered. This new chaotic system is a threedimensional autonomous system with five real equilibria which can generate two, three and four-scroll chaotic attractors with variation of a single parameter. Two different synchronization methods are proposed. Active control is applied when system parameters are known and adaptive control is employed when system parameters are uncertain or unknown. Controllers and update laws of parameters are designed based on Lyapunov stability theory. In both cases, sufficient conditions for the synchronization are obtained analytically. Finally, numerical simulations are shown to verify the analytical results.


haotic system, synchronization, active control, adaptive control, Lyapunov function.

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