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MHD Selfgravitating Instability of Radiating Fluid with Variable Streams

Ahmed E. Radwan


The magnetodynamic instability of radiating self gravitational hot gas cloud with variable stream function of coordinate has been developed. The problem is formulated and stability criterion is derived and investigated. The self gravitating force is stabilizing according to Jeans criterion. The radiation through its pressure stabilizes the perturbed gas medium with critical wavelength longer than that of Jeans. The electromagnetic force has strong stabilizing influence. In absence of radiation, the streaming whether it is uniform or nonuniform in the presence of other force is stabilizing. In the presence of radiation, it is found that the uniform streaming has no any influence at all on the stability of the system. But as the streaming is variable function of coordinate, it is strongly destabilizing in the presence of radiation. When the gas cloud medium is acted by the combined effect of the radiation and electromagnetic forces, the stabilizing effect of magnetic field is less than of radiation. Moreover the stabilizing perturbed wavelength of radiation is not affected by the magnetic field influence.


MHD, Radiation, Self gravitating

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