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K P Kavin Kumar, V. Muthukumaran, S Nanda Kumar


It is well known that productivity in manufacturing organizations is exorably low. Manufacturing Organization’s is currently targeting the needs to respond to rapidly changing customer needs, desires and fluctuating market demand and it will be great achievement by satisfying these needs to improve in productivity. In this paper, we are discussing about the problems occurred in the existing Compressor Assembly Line. The whole Assembly Line suffers due to Non- Value Added activities which includes manual screwing, walking distance and absence of established standard times for activities carried out in an Existing Assembly Line. Therefore assembly lines have to designed in a more flexible way. The more complex the product, the more extensive the product mix—the more difficult the task. This study involves a production study, which is to be carried out for specific period of time and then standard time can be achieved by eliminating Non-Value activities by using a Work Measurement technique called, Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST). MOST is the work measurement technique which is used for planning and controlling the operation. Consequently, it has been possible to reduce the production cycle time to cater the higher level of demand with shorter Takt time by maintaining the current level of manpower. The contribution of this paper includes (i).Setting the Standard time for Activities involved in an Assembly Line, (ii).Standardizing the work.

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