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Development of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) Model in Agricultural Land Use and Rural Closed Enhancement in Upper Citarum Basin

E. Hernawan, A. Sjarmidi, H. Ramdan


The Upper Citarum Watershed is the most strategic and the most exploited. There are intensive farming activities that disrupt the catchment area (CA) for the Saguling reservoir. This study aims to examine the effect of PES application in maintaining the use of agricultural land as CA for Saguling reservoir. The research location is Citarum Basin of Upper Section which belongs to Regency of Bandung and Regency of West Bandung, West Java Province - Indonesia. The research method is to calculate the change of agriculture land conversion. The relationship of land cover with sedimentation, sedimentation in dead storage zone, electricity production, and PES using regression analysis. The results showed that the change of rural area to urban area is dominated by 51% city infrastructure, 46.23% settlement, 1.76% office building and 1.02% cemetery. The corelation between total sedimentation with land cover is y5=5583955 2154,149x1+698,001x2-1413,750x3 (R2=99,6%). The relationship between accumulation of sedimentation with accumulation of sedimentation of dying storage is y6=1710682,149+0,678x (R=99,7%). The weak relationship between electricity production and accumulation of dead storage sedimentation and annual dead storage sedimentation is y7=899898,696+0,019x1+0,301x2 (R2=34.4%). whereas between electricity production with water entering in Saguling reservoir with model y8=4437,290+0,00006855x (R2=94%). The application of PES to change monoculture pattern to agroforestry of 30%, 60%, 85% and 100% respectively has the potential to reduce the age difference of reservoir from age of plan (59 years) i.e 54 years, 56 years, 57 years and 58 years, compared with monoculture pattern (51 years). The conclusion was PES model can push monoculture model change to multicultural so that can increase the age potency of reservoir.


Agriculture, city, PES, rural, sedimentation.

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