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Climate Change and Fishing: Analysing Fishermen’s Viewpoint

Sibananda Senapati, Vijaya Gupta


This study derives socioeconomic implications of climate change on coastal fishing community. More specifically the objective here is to analyse fishermen’s perception regarding climate change, the factors influencing their perception and awareness towards climate change and the impact of climate change on fishing. A field survey of 182 households from five fishing villages in Mumbai is conducted during the year 2011-12. The primary data collected is analysed using descriptive statistics and discriminant analysis. This study also uses secondary data collected from Marine Fishery Census (MFC, 2005 and 2010) of India and other such sources to discuss fishing livelihood and issues. Perception of fishermen rated as “high” towards climate change suggesting a continuous rise in temperature and a change in rainfall pattern. The negative impact of climate change on availability of fish is also rated as “high” which seriously affects fishery based livelihood. The level of preparedness among fishermen depends on their level of awareness which is found to be influenced by fishermen’s age (years of experience), the number of fishing trips they made and the types of boat they use in catching fish. The study also focuses on various policy suggestions in order to improve livelihood of fishermen.


Climate Change, Fisheries, Perception, Awareness, Livelihood, Mumbai, Koli Communities

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