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Determinants of Elephant Crop Raiding around Kakum Conservation Area

Kofi Osei Adu


The study sought to investigate the determinants of elephant crop raiding around Kakum Conservation Area. The logit model was used to identify determinants of elephant crop raiding. Data for the study were collected via survey of both farmers who have experienced elephant crop raiding and farmers who have not experienced elephant crop raiding around Kakum Conservation Area between January, 2013 to December, 2013. The outcome of the study shows that the probability of a farm being raided depends on educational attainment of the farmer, farm size, type of crop grown, the use of pepper fence, distance of the farm from the boundary of the conservation, and education on mitigation of elephant crop raiding. The study found that distance from the farm to the boundary and the use of pepper fence have negative effect on the probability of a farm being raided by elephants. It is recommended that farmers should not farm very close to the boundary and also the government should provide the raw materials use to prepare pepper fence to the farmers which intend will encourage the farmers to use pepper fence to protect their farms from elephant crop raiding.


elephants, crop raiding, determinants.

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