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An Econometric Study of Co2 Emissions, Economic Growth, and Openness of India

Narendra Nath Dalei


It has been observed empirically that economic growth is bad for the environment. Pollution emissions are being used as indicators for environmental quality. The trade off between the two revealed that more emissions worse the environmental quality. The emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) is some how responsible for the global climate change. It is a common believe that the amount of pollution emission follows an inverted U-shaped pattern relative to national income per capita. The shape of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) gives the relationship. The environmental Kuznets curve shows the relationship between various indicators of environmental degradation and income per capita. This paper investigates the existence of the EKC type of relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and economic growth and openness by using time series data (1971-2008) from India.


Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, Environmental Kuznets Curve, Environment. Pollution,Eeconomic Growthn

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