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Determinates of Degraded Forest Rehabilitation: Ordered Probit Analysis for Skekela Maraim Forest, Western Ethiopia
Y. Temesgen, A. Bogale, M. Ketema
Forest represents an important resource base for economic development. If managed wisely, forest had the capacity to provide a perpetual stream of income and subsistence products, while supporting other economic activities through its ecological services and functions. Despite the importance of forest in sustaining livelihood and poverty smoothening in rural communities, it is highly depleted. Besides, rehabilitation initiatives in Ethiopia to date are rarely participatory. Even, community forests are poorly conserved and highly degraded. Therefore, to enhance participatory rehabilitation initiatives for sustainable management, this study examined households’ willingness to pay for rehabilitation of degraded forest resources in a hypothetical market. The study was conducted in Sekella woreda of the Amhara region, northwestern Ethiopia. A total of 120 households had been surveyed in the study area in November and December 2011. During the survey, Contingent Valuation Method with double bounded dichotomous choice with follow up question format was applied to elicit willingness to pay of rehabilitation of degraded forest resources. Descriptive statistics were used to describe sample households in terms of some desirable variables and an ordered probit model was employed to analyze determinants of households’ willingness to pay for the rehabilitation of degraded forest resources. The study indicates that 75% of the surveyed households showed their willingness to pay if the rehabilitation of the degraded forest will be carried out. The ordered probit model result also revealed that age, social participation in the kebele, distance of farmland from the forest priority area, perception of fertility of farm plots and Main market distance from the residence are significant predictors of WTP for rehabilitation of degraded forest resources. Therefore, in designing the rehabilitation projects for the woreda policy makers need to take these socio-economic and institutional factors in to consideration.
Ordered Probit, Contingent valuation method, WTP, Degraded forest, Rehabilitation
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