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Considerations for Ecological Monitoring of CO2-mediated Enhanced Oil Recovery

K. A. Roberts, X. Chen


The simultaneous need for inexpensive, reliable fuel and the reduction of greenhouse gases has led to the exploration of natural geological reservoirs as a means of storing CO2. CO2 storage is still in the early stages of development, however, the recovery of previously unavailable crude using CO2 injection may provide information on how to facilitate and monitor CO2 storage. Ecological monitoring is necessary to determine if there are adverse ecological consequences to CO2-mediated enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR). This paper presents the general processes of EOR activities and provides an overview of available monitoring techniques, strategies and mechanism analyses that may be used in establishing monitoring regimes of varying temporal and spatial scales. Our considerations may help to determine reservoir integrity and refine future monitoring strategies for safe geological CO2 storage.


Enhanced oil recovery,EOR, CO2-mediated EOR, monitoring, leakage.

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