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Business Development for Preserving Ecosystem Services

E. A. Fongwa, A. Gnauck, F. Müller, M. Petschick


The natural environment provides goods and services to human beings that enhance their well-being known as Ecosystem Services (ES). But ES are continuously reducing in supply, mainly because very little efforts are made to involve the private sector and businesses in the preservation of them. Business development for ES can generate real financial profit and at the same time contribute towards the preservation of ES.
This paper discusses potential Market for preserving Ecosystem Services (MES) and their trading platforms that can be harness by the business community and at the same time sustain the supply of ES. The aim is to encourage business development for protecting nature. A strategic analysis is employed and presents MES in more details as guidelines for their development. The conclusion is that there is the potential for the growth of MES. But this type of market needs to be separated from other market forms to encourage environmental sustainability than relaying only on profit motive. Therefore, there is the need for further research on modelling MES to determine better ways for their application.


MES, Preservation, business development, environmental sustainability

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