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Effect of Population Pressure on Forest Land Use Change in Alabama: A Nested Logit Approach

Indrajit Majumdar, Maksym Polyakov, Lawrence D. Teeter, Brett J. Butler


The study focuses on exploring the impacts of urbanization on changes in forest land use/land cover in Alabama for the period between 1972 and 2000. Nested logit analysis of the discrete land use choices made by private landowners shows that initial forest type and a population gravity index significantly explain the variation in forest type transition. Anthropogenic factors influence the decision in favor of forest land conversion to non-forest use. Softwood stands were more preferred for harvests relative to hardwood while hardwood was the more preferred forest type choice for maintaining land in forest cover near the population centers. Real per capita income (INC) was found to be a better predictor of land use conversion than either population density (PD) or population gravity index (PGI).


Nested logit, urbanization, population gravity, land use, Alabama

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