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Innovation Potential of Ecological Modernization for Green Growth of Economics: A Case Study

O. V. Shkarupa, O. I. Karintseva, I. S. Shkarupa


The questions of using of innovation potential of companies for ecological modernization to green growth of economy are discussed. The authors identified the main issues of innovation potential of ecological modernization for green economic growth. The authors proposed to consider innovative potential of ecological modernization as part of the capacity of the company for the formation of necessary possibilities for greening. The authors highlighted that without the participation of the industrial enterprises and companies the task of forming of highly efficient national innovation system cannot be performed. In the manuscript the authors estimated the level of innovative possibilities of some Sumy companies. It is proved that the essential lack of attention is paid to innovation potential of environmental modernization, which entails serious breaking the rate of development of the enterprises as a whole, and innovative activities particularly. According to the results the majority of companies have an average level of innovation capacity for greening. It is proposed to develop measures for development innovation potential.


Sustainable development, Green economics, Green growth, Innovation Potential.

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