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Bird community in Taman Kehati Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Margareta Rahayuningsih, Bambang Priyono


This research was to analyze the bird community in Taman Kehati Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes) in relation with species richness, species diversity and evenness. The data were collected by point count method. Bird observation was conducted from 06.00 to 12.00 hours, when their activities was at its peak. The distances between each point count were 150 meters with viewing radius of 20 meters from each point. The study revealed that there were 24 bird species belongs to 19 families and 8 orders. Three of these birds species were protected by Indonesian legal codes, one species was categorized as NT (Nearly Threatened) by IUCN 2014 (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and one of them was enlisted in CITES (Convention on International Trade of wild fauna and flora). The diversity index (H’) of the bird species was 2.95, species richness index (Dmg) was 5.66 and evenness index (E) was 0.93.


Taman Kehati Unnes, bird community, species diversity, conservation

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