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Biological Ground Recultivation and Increase of Soil Fertility

S. Kovshov


Biogene methods of fertility increase in restored technogenic territories are analyzed in article. Use of sapropel, biologically active foams, a biohumus belong to such directions. These technological decisions are developed on experimental base of National mineral-resources university, Saint-Petersburg, and introduced on open cast mine complexes on northwest part of the Russian Federation.

The considerable attention is given to a worm technology. It is the progressive biotechnology directed on processing of an organic waste by means of rain kopost worms Eisenia Foetida. As a result of its application highly effective fertilizer a biohumus is formed.

Within researches it is established that the biohumus when mixing with sodium salt carboxymethylcellulose in a proportion 125:1 can create ecologically active mix. This mix is put on raising dust technogenic territorial surfaces. It possesses high bioefficiency. As a result dust pollution essentially decreases. The fulfilled technogenic territories turns into a secondary ecosystem.

Worm technology division into Russian districts became research result. Such division into districts allows to allocate zones in which it is necessary to use the various technological directions of a worm technology.


worm technology, sapropel, waste, biogumus, biologically active foams, technogenic territories, dust allocation, dust pollution decrease.

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