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Assessment and Monitoring of Urban Wetlands: A Case Study

Avishek Kirti, Shalu, Sen Gautam, Pathak Gopal, M.S. Nathawat


Urban wetlands have been considered as an important tool in the life of most of the Indian cities. The wetlands are continuously depleting day by day due to rapid increase in urban population. The depletion of these wetlands are resulting in many problems in urban areas like flooding, water scarcity and water logging, there has been a conflicting attitude towards these wetlands during the recent decades. In this study, an attempt has been made to assess the quality of urban wetlands in Ranchi Municipal area. A total of 158 urban wetlands were identified, of which 65 samples were analysed. The physical, chemical and biological properties of the water of these urban wetlands were studies. It was found that only 28 samples were satisfying the normal standards made for drinking water.


Urban Wetlands, Chemical Assessment, Questionnaire Survey, Biological Assessment.

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