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Nutrient Inflows and Levels in Lake: A Case Study of Lake Muhazi, Rwanda

D. Usanzineza, I. Nhapi, U. G. Wali, J. J. Kashaigili, N. Banadda


The purpose of this study was to assess the water quality in Lake Muhazi and its tributary rivers, focusing on nutrients. Parameters studied were nitrogen, phosphorous, chlorophyll-a, pH, temperature and transparency. Samples were collected at depths of 0.5m, 2m, 5m from the surface and 1m from the bottom of the Lake at the four sampling stations. Samples were collected using Van Dorn Bottle water sampler, and were preserved and analyzed in the laboratory for TP, TN and chlorophyll-a. The temperature, transparency (Secchi disc), and pH were measured. The results revealed that the levels of nutrient in the Lake are higher. The total nitrogen was 0.85±0.22mg/L, total phosphorus 0.29 ±0.15mg/L, chlorophyll-a 18.1±10.5μg/L, and Secchi disc 0.76±0.07m. The results indicate the Lake is undergoing eutrophic. The study recommends conducting appropriate catchment management interventions to reduce nutrient inflows into the Lake and the development of suitable discharge standards for all Lakeshore activities.


Lake water quality, Lake Muhazi, land use, nutrient levels, nutrient distribution, trophic status

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