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An Analysis of Water Quality of Thol Bird Sanctuary, Inland Wetlands

Jessica P. Karia, Kauresh D. Vachhrajani, Pranav Pandya


Status of water quality for wetlands of Thol Bird Sanctuary of Mehsana district (Gujarat State), India, was studied for one season. The 19 parameters were analysed to understand the water quality of the man made inland wetlands. The monitoring of water quality of wetlands of Thol brought out the degraded status of the wetlands. Wetlands nutritional status analysed showed it to be oligotrophic in nature. Whereas few sites indicates slightly polluted to polluted condition as there was presence of high biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids. This could have impact on the existing dependent biodiversity of the wetlands specifically avifaunal diversity.


Chlorophyll, BOD, COD, inland wetland, Thol Bird Sanctuary, Mehsana

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