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Estimation of Landslide Velocity and Warning of Sediment Disaster due to intense rainfall

Hasnawir , Tetsuya Kubota


The focus of this study is to estimate the velocity of landslide and to analyze the relationship between maximum rainfall intensity and total rainfall for warning sediment disaster in Mt. Bawakaraeng Caldera, Indonesia. The result of estimated velocity of the landslide in Mt. Bawakaraeng Caldera on March 2004 was 59 m/sec, which is categorized as rapid velocity. The warning for sediment disaster is triggered when the combination of total rainfall and maximum intensity exceeds 300 mm and 40 mm respectively. The warning for sediment-related disaster is determined when the rainfalls exceed the warning line. The period of analysis from 1997 to 2007 coincides with the availability of hourly-rainfall information throughout the study area.


Mt. Bawakaraeng, landslide velocity, warning of sediment disaster, intense rainfall

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