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Multipurpose Trees in Landscape Mosaics: some lessons from a policy, livelihoods and conservation interface, in South East Cameroon

Mbile Peter, Brent Swallow, Zac Tchoundjeu , Patrice Paah


In our study, carried-out in a forest landscape of south eastern Cameroon, we use spatial analyses tools and socio-economic techniques, to understand the complex process and needs of multipurpose trees management within an agricultural landscape, adjacent to an ecosystem of global value.
We observe that, the spatial dispositions of multipurpose trees are not only unique for different species, but have strong implications for their conservation, their continued use and the in-direct services that they provide. That, effective determination of investment priorities for tree products and support options for the decision-making structures charged with forest management require innovative and multiple techniques and tools, used in combination.


Forest policy, multipurpose tree products, integrative analyses

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