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Natural and Anthropogenic Parameters Influencing Sea Level Rise (SLR)

A. Melloul, M. Collin


This study focuses on the key natural and anthropogenic parameters due to global warming that can directly and indirectly contribute to changes in sea level throughout the world. These on-going and long term variations in sea level can be disturbed by sudden and ephemeral events that can permentally alter coastal geometry, with consequent impact on sea level rise (SLR). SLR appears to be a global trend, in some cases involving dozens of cms, over recent decades. One of the main objectives of this paper is to highlight short-term natural and anthopogenic factors, and assess their contribution to SLR of long-term components involved. To demonstrate the application of this approach, Israel’s Mediterraneean coast has been selected as a specific area to be compared to the global situation. This approach can be helpful for future long-term planning activities to mitigate anthropogenic and natural effects that could influence SLR.

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