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Measuring Landscape Parameters: Fragmentation, Disturbance and Biological Richness in Baratang Islands (Andaman) for estimating Landscape Structure, Human and Environment Interlinkages

Nidhi Nagabhatla, P.S. Roy


In order to bring sustainable resource conservation and management of the landscape and the environment, it is essential to adopt rapid assessment approach for managing ecosystem and biodiversity. The efforts to arrest the process of degradation and species loss due to anthropogenic interference requires specialized solutions and an understanding of ecological processes. Landscape analysis in Baratang Islands was carried out to understand the structure and review the fragmentation zones, disturbance regimes and biological richness based on the biodiversity characterization model (SPLAM). It has generated compatible set of spatial database and maps, which offer great potential for survey, and assessment of resources. Characterization of degree of fragmentation provides reliable information on the biodiversity distribution pattern. The fragmentation analysis in Baratang Islands is the representation of anthropogenic activities and the measure of forest-non-forest. The results highlight interesting patterns in terms of intact and fragmented patches and explore the trends in landscape features. Understanding the distribution of biodiversity rich zones in the isles and documenting the process of human interference is another important aspect of the study. The landscape-derived input affords information on causal agents of disturbance and highlights fragmented habitats requiring immediate priority. The study provides significant inputs for biodiversity monitoring and conservation planning.

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