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Effect of Interspecies Larval Interaction on Its Pupation Site Preference in Different Species of Drosophila

N.B. Vandal, G.S. Siddalingamurthy, N. Shivanna


Interaction between different species of larvae has been studied in Drosophila, which occupy different sites for pupation to know its effect on pupation site preference. Mixed larval cultures showed significant variations in their larval pupation site preference at different sites. The maximum media pupating species (D.simulans, D.yakuba, D.mauritiana, D.bipectinata and D.malerkotliana) when mixed with maximum glass pupating species (D.virilis, D.novamexicana and D.hydei), the media pupation significantly decreased in media pupating species and increased the glass pupation except D.yakuba. The larval pupation site preference in maximum glass pupating species significantly decreased the glass pupation when mixed with media pupating species (except D.hydei). The cotton pupation is significantly increased in D.yakuba and significantly decreased in D.mauritiana when mixed with D.virilis and D.hydei.
The maximum cotton pupating species D.rajasekari when mixed with D.virilis, D.novamexicana and D.hydei decreased the cotton pupation and increased the glass pupation. Whereas media pupation is significantly decreased when mixed with D.hydei. D.hydei shows decreased glass and media pupation when cultured with media pupating species. These studies reveal that, the larval pupation site preference of a species varies significantly with interaction or in presence of other species.

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