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Multi-attribute Decision-making Method with Interval Grey Number Based on Information Entropy

Yezhi Xiao, Sha Fu


An information entropy-based three-parameter interval grey number type of multi-attribute decision-making method was put forward against multi-attribute decision-making problems with solution attribute value of three-parameter interval grey numbers and indeterminate attribute weight. In this study, three-parameter interval grey number decision-making problems are combined with information entropy, constructing a distance entropy model of three-parameter interval grey number and providing solutions to weight definition of three-parameter interval grey number attribute in grey decision-making. On this basis, a TOPSIS-based uncertainty decision-making framework was built to calculate the comprehensive distance between each solution and positive and negative ideal solutions, and then to determine the approach degree as well as to obtain the optimal solution based on the ordering. Finally, the feasibility and validity of the proposed decision-making methods are verified via analysis of numerical examples.


multi-attribute decision-making, three-parameter interval grey number, information entropy, grey distance entropy, approach degree.

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