Multi-Domain Differential Quadrature Analysis for Discontinuity Problems
In this work, a multi-domain differential quadrature method is examined to solve both of material discontinuity (composite plate) problems and domain discontinuity (cracked plate) ones. The bending problem of a composite plate consisting of dissimilar interfaced materials is considered such that each material may be homogeneous or a functionally graded (FG) one. The governing equations for composite plate problems are based on a transverse shear theory. The transverse deflection and two rotations of the plate are independently obtained and compared with the previous analytical and numerical results. Also, a cracked plate subjected to anti- plane shear loading is examined. The out of plane deflection is obtained at the immediate vicinity of the crack tips, such that the stress intensity factor can be calculated. As well as, the obtained results are compared with the previous analytical ones. Further a parametric study is introduced to investigate the influence of elastic and geometric characteristics on the results.
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