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Finite Element Analysis of Flow-solid- temperature Three Field Coupling of Thermal Recovery Well
Zhou Zhijun, Jin Zhanjie, Huang Zeming, Yu Shaohua
Based on the basic theory of rock mechanics,fluid mechanics, geomechanics, computational mechanics,heat transfer and fluid-solid coupling seepage, establish the temperature, seepage and stress fields coupling mathematical model and numerical model of the porous medium,solved all coupled equations simultaneously by using full coupling algorithm, studied the process and method of three-field coupling modeling by using ADINA which is a software for finite element analysis. Take thermal recovery wells for example with finite element analysis,studied the law of stress - strain variation with time and space and the law of dynamic variation of petrophysical parameters .The results showed that:the closer from the wellhole, the more significant changes in rock strain, porosity, permeability, compression factor of porosity and other physical parameters; The farther away from the wellhole, the change is less obvious. The change of physical parameters which consider coupling conditions is smaller than the uncoupled condition.The oil production which consider coupling is less than the uncoupled conditions, this mainly due to the fluid-solid-thermal coupling effect, the seepage resistance is increase when fluid flows through rock, making oil production decreased.This model simulate the actual conditions of reservoir mining really.
mold temperature field,seepage field,stress field,coupling laws, mathematical model,finite element.
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