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Numerical Simulation for Heat- Fluid-Solid of Reservoir Rock under Water Injection
Wanchun Zhao, Tignting Wang, Chen Wang, Jingbo Zhang
The double porous medium that is a medium between pore and fracture is taken as an object of study. Strain and porosity model is established. Based on the Terzaghi effective stress principle, the stress distribution model is built, which is the relationship of temperature, liquid and rock skeleton during period of waterflood exploitation.The processes are considered that the rock mass has coercibility and obey the D-P formula. deformation, nucleation and growing of pore and fracture are induced by stress of injection pressure and injection temperature field stress. The damage variable is defined by strain porosity. The constitutional equation of double pore medium saturated liquid-solid is set up. Take some well in Jilin Oil Field, the result is concluded form numerical simulation of finite element software, which are induced stresses of thermal field and waterflood pressure and rock stress distribution rule, together with evolving regulations of stress and damage variable and strain porosity. The new model provides new research method and theoretical base for reservoir pore and fracture change in period of waterflood exploration.
Damage, Fluid-solid Coupling, Pore Pressure, Injection-production Relationship.
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