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Evaluation of Satisfaction Index in Public Physical Education Teaching Based on Fuzzy Mathematics
Menglong Li, Yunlong Deng
Objective: To apply fuzzy mathematical methods to the study of student satisfaction evaluation system for college public physical education(PE) teaching. Method: Delphi Method and analytic hierarchy process were adopted to construct student satisfaction evaluation system for college public PE teaching. Besides, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was applied to conduct an empirical study of public PE teaching. Result: A student satisfaction evaluation system for college public PE teaching was constructed, which consists of 4 first-level indices, e.g. teachers’ teaching ability, teaching site and equipment, teaching atmosphere, teaching contents and arrangement first-level and 18 second-level indices. The empirical study showed the global evaluation of student satisfaction for college public PE teaching was general, with the service quality receiving the highest marks and the infrastructure the lowest. Conclusion: The evaluation system is an effective tool to study student satisfaction for college public PE teaching. Fuzzy mathematics can be applied to the evaluation of college public PE teaching to solve the problem of quantifying college public PE teaching.
fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy evaluation, student satisfaction index, public PE teaching.
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