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Numerical Simulation and Analysis for Permeability of Rock Mass under Hydraulic Fracturing
Wanchun Zhao, Tignting Wang, Chen Wang, Jingbo Zhang
In order to accurately describe the process of the oil and gas reservoir hydraulic fracturing rock failure, this paper proposes a method that use the relative reduction of the pores number whose radius is greater than describing the rock mass with the fractal structure characteristics in arbitrary loading stage as a damage variable describing the state of the rock mass. Assume that in the fracturing process the rock mass happen elastoplastic damage deformation and the evolution of crack meets Logistic standard equation, based on the principle of conservation of energy, the evolution model of hydraulic fracturing damage is established and the evolution rule of porosity-permeability in the damage process is given. Take a block of Jilin oil field to determine the variation rule of branch dimension and fractal coefficient of rock mass under different loading conditions in experiments, the rock damage variable, the evolution of porosity and permeability during the loading process are calculated. The calculated results coincide with the actual site.
Hydraulic fracturing, Rock damage, Energy conservation, Permeability
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