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Myocardial Function Protection of BMX Players based on Fuzzy Neural Network Model
Li Huang
The fuzzy neural network realizes fuzzy reasoning mainly by using neural network structure, so as to make the weight of neural network have physical significance of parameter reasoning in fuzzy logic. Combining fuzzy logic with neural network, an affect that can not be achieved by single fuzzy logic or neural network will be achieved. BMX has swept the globe in recent years and more and more Chinese teenagers have participated in this sport. However, due to its short developing time, the plays have shallow understanding of this sport and there is lack of further researches on how to avoid injury of players. The fuzzy neural network model is adopted in this paper to analyze the effect of exercise preconditioning in the myocardial function protection of BMX players, hoping to help the players avoid sport injury and discuss the new application field of fuzzy neural network.
fuzzy logic, neural network, model, myocardial function protection, BMX.
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