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Synthetical analysis on slope stability of reservoir about unsaturated soil
Xizhong Shen, Wenli Yang, Min Zhang
Without unsaturated characteristic of slope soil introduced, safety coefficient of soil slope of reservoir bank is influenced by change of water level, and synthetical action of interior and exterior factors was not considered in safety evaluation, thus character of bank stability was not explicit under the condition of complex environment. Based on mechanics theory of unsaturated soil, analysis model of slope stability of reservoir bank was established that synthetical action of factors could be analyzed, and influence of slope safety about lots of factors could be studied synthetically, influencing factors involved in change of water level, rainfall, ratio of slope, characteristic of soil, and cracks and so on. Anysis shows that huge declining velocity of water level is the main derivational factor of leading to slope slide, it is larger in intension of rainfall, and longer in duration of rainfall, safety coefficient of slope is less. Moreover, safety coefficient of slope keeps close correlation with ratio of slope, characteristic of soil, and complexion of cracks, the chance of bank accident keeps direct proportion to declining velocity of water level of reservoir, duration and intension of rainfall, and depth of cracks. The results can be applicable as a reference in flood prevention, and management of operation.
Unsaturated soil, bank slope of reservoir, stability, synthetical analysis simulation.
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