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An Improved Logistic Model for Cluster Co-agglomeration
Yingchao Zhang, Xiong Xiong, Qidong Zhang, Jianhua Zhou
Ascribing to the comparability between industrial cluster and biological populations, this work combines industrial cluster with populations ecological system, divides the government’s factors influencing the industry cluster into three part: internal force, external force and the gradually changed environmental force. Based on these three parts, this study proposes a nonlinear dynamic model with single species industrial cluster. Then, a co-agglomeration Logistic model is proposed by improving the Logistic model. The co-agglomeration Logistic model can display recession of the industrial cluster under certain conditions and get the inflection point value flexibly. Furthermore, the analytical solution of the equation is derived. Finally, the empirical analysis of Suzhou Electronic Information Industrial Cluster is provided, the result shows that the co-agglomeration Logistic model can not only coincident with the general evolution of industrial cluster better, but also reflect government assistance in the industrial cluster to provide scientific basis for government decision making of how to assist the development of industrial cluster.
co-agglomeration, Logistic, industrial clusters.
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