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Effects of Aspiration-Driven Risk Preference in Public Goods Game on Complex Networks

Chi Zhang, Minghui Wang


The public goods game on complex networks is being studied as a model for the evolution of cooperation. In the evolutionary games, players update their strategies in accordance with certain rules. This paper presents a new rule on the spatial public goods game, in keeping with players’ aspiration-driven risk preferences. A definition of risk preference factor is also proposed to describe the aspiration level. Our new model proves that a player will potentially take more dominant strategy if the payoff is below expectation. Our sufficient experiments and the simulation results on the scale-free network indicate that our new model greatly affects the evolution of cooperation. For small multiplication factors, the frequency of cooperation increases to more than 0.85 as the aspiration level increases. For large multiplication factors, intermediate levels of aspiration prove to be optimal for the successful evolution of public cooperation.


Complex networks, Public goods game, Risk preference.

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